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    Fertility Specialist in Mumbai

    Females in their reproductive years go through two complicated processes: getting pregnant and carrying their pregnancy to term successfully. Unfortunately, most females face something wrong in these processes that make them infertile.

    Female Infertility Treatment in Mumbai

    The ability of a woman to become pregnant is referred to as fertility. Infertility is typically characterised as the inability to become pregnant after a year of trying. A broader definition of infertility includes the inability to carry a pregnancy to term and have a child. Women under the age of 35 who are unable to conceive after a year of contraceptive-free intercourse are termed infertile.

    One can contact Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist in Mumbai at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic, to learn more about factors that cause infertility, female infertility treatment and ways one can achieve pregnancy and become a parent.

    Some potential causes of fertility problems in females, as opined by Fertility Specialist in Mumbai, Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal 


    •  Anovulation- This could happen because of ovarian conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI); Aging, Thyroid disease, and lifestyle/environmental factors.
    • Menstrual cycle irregularities
    • Structural problems of the reproductive system- These usually involve the formation of abnormal tissues in the uterus or fallopian tubes. The structural issues include uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine polyps, an abnormal uterus shape, and scarring in the uterus post-injury, surgery, or infection. 
    • Infections- Untreated sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhoea and chlamydia can lead to scarring in the uterus and blockage of fallopian tubes. Untreated syphilis in pregnant women could lead to stillbirth.  Prolonged infections in the cervix or surgical treatment of cervix lesions caused by HPV infection can reduce the quality and quantity of cervical mucus, thereby making pregnancy difficult.
    • Immature eggs- PCOS, lack of proteins involved in egg maturation, and obesity could all lead to the failure of eggs to properly mature. Immature eggs won’t be released timely and reach the fallopian tube for fertilisation.
    • Implantation problems- Getting pregnant is not possible if the fertilised egg fails to implant into the uterine wall. The possibilities of this could be genetic embryo defects, thin endometrium, endometriosis, progesterone resistance, and scar tissue formation in the endometrial cavity.  
    • Autoimmune disorders- These include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and types of thyroiditis including Hashimoto’s. 

    Thankfully, there are many fertility treatments for women available at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic. The treatments are provided by Fertility specialist in Mumbai. Get in touch with the doctor for more details to conceive a lead the path towards happy parenthood. 

    What is surgical infertility treatment for women?

    Surgical infertility treatment for women is an operation done to correct reproductive structural issues causing infertility in women.

    Why do doctors suggest Fertility Enhancement Surgeries for women?

    Doctors recommend Fertility Enhancing Surgeries in Mumbai so that they can check for problems in the reproductive organs of the women. After assessing the severity of the fertility issue, the doctor suggests an appropriate procedure for the patient. Generally, doctors treat conditions causing infertility in women with hysteroscopy and minimally invasive laparoscopy in an outpatient setting. In some cases, they may operate the females for infertility in the operation theatre of the hospital. Consulting a fertility specialist in Mumbai at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic can help a woman with a fertility problem check on her reproductive condition, find her cause of infertility, and know how she can be treated.

    Which conditions affecting female infertility can be treated with surgery?

    Female infertility treatment in Mumbai with different surgical procedures include:

    • Adhesions in the pelvis
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Congenital problems of the uterus- such as uterine septum/ polyps and endometrial polyps
    • Ligation of fallopian tubes
    • Ovarian cysts
    • Blockage of fallopian tubes by some fluid buildup- hydrosalpinx
    • Partial blocking of fallopian tubes or development of scar tissues in the fallopian tube region lying close to the ovaries.

    How do doctors know if a woman is infertile?

    When a woman consults with the Best Fertility Doctor in Mumbai, Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, top Gynaecologist at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic, will analyse her medical and sexual history as well as perform a comprehensive physical examination.Then based on one’s health best approaches and following treatments are offered:

    Fertility Treatments for Females by

    Fertility Specialist in Mumbai – Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal

    Surgery for Conditions Related to Fertility Problems in Women

    Laparoscopy in Mumbai- It is also known as keyhole surgery as it involves making keyhole incisions. This outpatient surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. During this surgery, the doctor inserts a laparoscope, a narrow fibre-optic telescope, through the keyhole incision made in the navel of the patient. Other incisions are made to introduce the surgical instruments and visualise/operate the inside of the reproductive organs like ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. Thus, laparoscopy of various types is utilised by the doctor to diagnose and treat fertility issues like endometriosis, scar tissues in the fallopian tubes (tuboplasty), pelvic adhesions (adhesiolysis), ovarian drilling, or fibroids.

    Hysteroscopy in Mumbai- It is an outpatient surgery in which a hysteroscope, a small telescope with a light and a camera at one end, is utilised by the doctor for inspection of the uterine cavity. This hysteroscope is introduced into the womb (uterus) through the cervix to check for any adhesions, congenital anomalies, and fibroids in the uterus and if there, remove them with surgical instruments. The different hysteroscopic procedures include adhesiolysis (for adhesions removal), myomectomy (for uterine fibroids removal), uterine septal resection, and polyp removal (polypectomy).For more details on these procedure cost, get in touch with Fertility Specialist in Mumbai. They can also guide you on insurance availability for undergoing these procedures.

    Microsurgery in Mumbai- It is performed to treat minor reproductive tract deformities. The microsurgical procedures to treat female infertility include:

    • Salpingectomy- It is the surgery to remove the end of the fallopian tube developing a fluid build-up.
    • Tubal ligation reversal/ Tubal reanastomosis- It is a surgery to reconnect the two ends of a fallopian tube.
    • Salpingostomy- It is an operation carried out to create a new opening in the region of the fallopian tube close to the ovary.
    • Fimbrioplasty- It is the surgery performed on the partially blocked or scarred fallopian tube to build its fringed ends.
    • Ovarian cystectomy- This is the surgery for the removal of large cysts in the ovaries.

    Fertility Problems in Females - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Who is at more risk for having fertility issues?

    Women who have the following problems have reduced ability to ovulate, conceive, and give birth to their child successfully:

    • Uterine defects
    • Endometriosis
    • Autoimmune disorders
    • Eating disorders
    • Blood clotting disorders
    • Chronic diseases like diabetes
    • Sexually transmitted disease
    • Abnormal menses characterised by anovulation
    • Obstruction of the Cervix
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease
    • Other than these conditions, exposure to the drug diethylstilboestrol and having multiple sexual partners could also lead to the risk of infertility in women.

    For more information, contact Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, the Best Fertility Doctor in Mumbai at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic.

    After surgical treatment for my infertility will I need IVF or I can try to naturally conceive?

    It depends on the seriousness of your condition that you got surgically treated and what was involved in your surgery.

    If you have got surgically treated for endometriosis, you can naturally conceive, provided your fallopian tubes are clear.

    In case you have undergone fibroid removal surgery, you can attempt to naturally conceive after 3 months. However, if you have large fibroids or fibroids impinging on the uterine cavity, you will need to deal with them properly before attempting IVF.

    If you have tubal damage or have gone through ovarian drilling for PCOS treatment, you should first try conceiving naturally for up to 6 months post-surgery. You can switch to IVF if your try didn’t work out.

    What diagnostic tests should I have if I have a potential surgical fertility problem?

    You must be asked to have any of the following:

    • Internal pelvic examination- You will be given anaesthesia and then your pelvic area will be thoroughly examined. This will be done to inspect your vagina and cervix and to assess the shape, size, mobility, and position of your ovaries and uterus.
    • Hysteroscopy- This is done to inspect the uterine cavity to spot any fibroids, adhesions, or developmental malformations such as septum. All of these may prevent embryo implantation.
    • Laparoscopy and dye test- This is used to inspect the complete pelvic area to check for any blockages in tubes, endometriosis, or adhesions.

    For more information contact the Best Fertility Doctor in Mumbai at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic. The procedures are safe and addressing them at initial stages with the help of an expert can help to  reach the phase of parenthood.

    Who is a candidate for surgical fertility treatment?

    The suitable candidates for surgical fertility treatment include women:

    • Who cannot find their cause of infertility via evaluations like ultrasound and routine blood work
    • Who have no option but to get the surgical evaluation done for the inside of their pelvic area to check for conditions that commonly are treated with surgery and even get effectively operated on for their diagnosed conditions.
    • Who need fertility surgery for their uterine and pelvic issues including cysts, polyps, fibroids, congenital anomalies of the pelvic organs, and adhesions
    • Who have fallopian tube damage, disease, or blockage
    • Who can’t conceive directly by IVF or naturally and other alternative treatments fail to work.
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    Dr. Shilpa B. Agrawal
    To get the best female fertility treatment in Andheri, get in touch with Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, Best fertility Doctor in Mumbai, Andheri.
    Visit her to learn more!


    Harleys Cosmetic and Womens Clinic
    101-102, Jyoti Tower, DN Nagar,
    Next to Nav Chaitanya, off Link Road,
    Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053. Locate us

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