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    Contraceptive Needs

    Contraceptive Needs for Adolescents

    Contraception is of utmost importance among adolescents in today’s time to reduce their pregnancy rates as well as rates of s-e-xually transmitted diseases. That’s because both pregnancy and STDs can have life-changing effects on the lives of adolescents.

    What is contraception?

    Contraception, commonly referred to as Birth Control, is a safe-intercourse practice to prevent females from conceiving a child by interfering with ovulation, fertilization, and implementation. Some types of contraception can even protect people from catching STDs after mating.

    Why do Adolescents need Contraception?

    According to Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, an expert gynecologist in Mumbai, if teenagers get pregnant, they and their child can face physical, mental, and socio-economic consequences and if they get STD, they could experience reproductive health complications such as infertility and even be at great risk of getting affected by HIV. Therefore, adolescent contraception is crucial to treat certain health issues and ensure good reproductive health as well as the overall well-being of youngsters.

    Different Methods of Contraception for Adolescents​

    Reproductive health specialists in Mumbai, Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic can recommend or prescribe a variety of contraceptive options for effective birth control among teens. These include:

    Abstinence – Not getting physically intimate or refraining from intercourse is completely effective in avoiding pregnancy and protecting against most types of STDs that are only transmitted through sexual activities.

    Barrier methods – Those adolescents who want to have intercourse should use barrier methods every time they have intercourse to avoid pregnancy and get protection against STDs. These barrier methods are available over-the-counter and could be used in combination with other methods. Options include:

    • Condoms – Male condoms are made of thin sheaths of latex slips that are pulled over the penis to help avoid ejaculation to enter the vagina. The female condom is like a pouch that is placed inside the vagina to prevent the entry of semen into the vagina.
    • Spermicide – There are spermicide-based creams, foam, films, gels, suppository, or tablets that can be inserted into the vagina before intercourse to kill the sperms.
    • Sponge, Diaphragm, and Cervical cap – These are spermicide-containing devices that can fit over the cervix to block se-men and kill sperm.

    Short-Acting Hormonal Methods

    These contraceptive methods are only for females as they involve the use of small amounts of female reproductive hormones such as progestin alone or estrogen and progestin in combination to stop ovulation and prevent pregnancy. The methods include:

      • Oral contraceptive pills – These pills must be taken daily at the same time.
      • Birth control patch – It is a thin, 1 ¾ inch, beige, square-shaped patch that can be stuck to the skin to allow the release of progestin and estrogen hormones into the bloodstream through the skin. Once a week, a patch may be applied and continued daily for three consecutive weeks.
      • Vaginal ring – It is a small, soft plastic ring that can be placed into the vagina for three weeks and then taken out to allow menses in the fourth week.
      • Contraceptive injections – These contain progestin and estrogen hormones in small doses which can be administered by the doctors every three months to be released directly into the bloodstream and prevent pregnancy.

    Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives

    These birth control methods are effective from three years to up to 10 years, depending upon their type. However, none of these options protect against STDs and requires a doctor’s prescription. These contraceptive methods include:

    • Contraceptive Implant – It is a small flexible plastic rod, about the size of a matchstick, made up of small amounts of progestin, which the doctor places under the skin of the upper arm to release hormones into the bloodstream and prevent pregnancy. It lasts for only three years.
    • Intrauterine devices (IUDs) – There are two types of IUDs: Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device and Copper IUD. The former is a small T-shaped device that is placed into the uterus through the cervix to slowly release a small amount of Levonorgestrel hormone, over 5 years, to prevent sperm from reaching the egg while the latter releases small amounts of copper, over 10 years, to prevent pregnancy.

    Emergency Contraception

    Sometimes called morning-after pills, emergency contraceptive pills are the ones that can be taken soon after having unprotected or under-protected intercourse. For instance, when condoms filled with semen break inside the vagina or no other contraception method is used. Depending upon their types, these pills can be taken for up to 3-5 days after having unprotected intercourse. Some of these pills are available without a doctor’s prescription, but they cannot help in avoiding STDs. These may work best for adolescents who are coerced into having intercourse.

    What Barriers do Adolescents Face in Accessing Different Kinds of Contraception?

    Although, there are many contraceptive options but adolescents may not be able to use them because of the following barriers:

    • The unplanned or unexpected intercourse activity
    • Fear of undergoing medical procedures
    • Fear of seeing judgmental attitudes from the providers of contraception
    • Fear from parents or partners opposing the use of contraception
    • Pressure from family members or partners to have children
    • Lack of information, knowledge, or awareness about contraceptive needs and various methods of contraception as well as their availability
    • No money to pay for services and transport.

    Most healthcare providers are unaware and insensitive to the special needs of adolescents. They must meet the special needs of adolescents by designing and re-orienting health services.

    Consult now the best gynaecologist at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic to know more about Best Birth Control for Teens.

    How can Gynecologists help Address Contraceptive Needs Among Teens?

    Pediatric-adolescent gynecologist in Mumbai at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic are specialists in diagnosing and treating conditions of reproductive organs for teenagers up to the age of 18. They provide age-appropriate counseling to teens about s-e-xual behavior and ways to avoid getting pregnant or having STDs. Also, they offer guidance to the parents of teens to talk with their adolescent kids about abstinence and contraception. They can help create awareness among teenagers and their parents about contraceptive needs.

    Furthermore, gynecologists can assist teens to choose the best option for contraception by providing them with details about different contraception options and help them consider the merits and demerits of each one of them. The details provided by them include the effectiveness of the method, potential benefits and health risks of the method, information on protection against STIs, common side effects of the method, whether it’s possible to return to fertility after discontinuing specific contraception, and where the method can be obtained and at what price.

    They provide extensive knowledge about the latest contraception methods. Short-acting hormonal methods and long-acting reversible contraceptives are only available with a gynecologist who prescribes them. By advocating the need for contraceptive services, healthcare providers or gynecologists can act as an agent of change within families and communities where teenage girls belong.

    Dr. Shilpa B. Agrawal
    For more information on best contraceptive for teenager consult now the expert gyne near me, Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, at her gyne clinic, Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic, or at the prestigious hospitals located in Mumbai, like Surya Hospitals: Multispecialty Hospital for Women & Children, Cloudnine Hospital, BSES MG Hospital, and Criticare Asia Multispeciality Hospital.


    Harleys Cosmetic and Womens Clinic
    101-102, Jyoti Tower, DN Nagar,
    Next to Nav Chaitanya, off Link Road,
    Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053. Locate us

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