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    PCOS Treatment in Mumbai

    PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is the most familiar reproductive endocrine disorder among women belonging to their childbearing age. In females with PCOS, the ovaries have many small fluid-filled sacs developing along their outer edge, says Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, top Gynaecologist, providing the best PCOD treatment in Mumbai, at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic. These fluid-filled sacs are called cysts that aren’t painful or dangerous. The cysts contain immature eggs called follicles that fail to release eggs regularly.

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    What Is PCOS? | Myths & Facts about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | Best PCOD Treatment in Mumbai

    Causes of PCOS

    There are various factors that can cause PCOS. The factors that might have a role includes ins-u-lin resistance, low-grade inflammation, heredity, and excess androgen. Ins-u-lin resistance means the body is not correctly processing ins-u-lin, resulting in high blood glucose levels. An elevated ins-u-lin level can cause the ovaries to make more andro-gens. Women with PCOS tend to have low-grade inflammation at all times. Its level can be checked by measuring C-reactive proteins and white blood cells in the blood. With PCOS Treatment in Mumbai, various concerns or issues that are caused by this medical issues can be managed or treated, shares Dr. Shilpa B. Agrawal

    Hormonal Imbalance Disrupt The Normal Menstrual Cycle in Females

    As PCOS condition results in hormonal imbalances. The hormones that have a role in PCOS include andr-ogens like testos-terone and andro-stene-dione; estr-ogen, pro-gesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and ins-u-lin hormone. With PCOS, there is a drop in the levels of estro-gen, proge-sterone, and follicle-stimulating hormone and a rise in the levels of testos-terone, ins-u-lin, and luteinizing hormone

    Such hormonal imbalances disrupt the normal menstrual cycle and prevent ovulation- the release of eggs by the ovaries. All this can lead to PCOS symptoms like acne, hirsutism, weight issues, irregular menses, fertility problems, mental health issues, skin tags, thinning of hair or hair loss in patches on the scalp, and darkening of the skin on the back of the neck or other body sites (acanthosis nigricans).

    Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal can diagnose PCOS by carrying out thorough physical and pelvic examinations and discussing the patient’s symptoms. Other than this, she may order routine blood tests, measure the patient’s weight, or perform an ultrasound of the pelvic area to look at the ovaries. Blood tests are done to check levels of different hormones that have a role in PCOS. Screening for triglycerides, cholesterol, blood glucose, and ins-u-lin is also a part of the patient’s complete evaluation of the condition.

    PCOS is not a serious health issue only if it’s early diagnosed and treated along with lifestyle modifications. Otherwise, PCOS can result in long-term complications such as heart disease and diabetes, which can be life-threatening. Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal can help patients with Best PCOD Treatment in Mumbai in different ways, based on the patient’s symptoms, medical history, other health issues, and if the patient wants to get pregnant.

    In case, the patient is not planning to conceive a child, then her treatment options include hormonal birth control with oral contraceptives, vag-inal rings, or intrauterine devices; ins-u-lin-sensitizing medications, anti-androgen drugs, and lifestyle changes to maintain a healthy weight.

    In another case, where the patient is planning for future pregnancy, the infertility treatment options include drugs that induce ovulation, IVF (in-vitro fertilisation), and surgery to restore ovulation- laparoscopic ovarian drilling. The PCOS treatment in Mumbai only manages its symptoms and makes its effects change over time so that the patient eventually becomes less aware of her condition.

    Signs That You Have PCOS

    The signs and symptoms of PCOS often start showing up around the time of the first menstrual period. In some cases, females develop symptoms later in life after they have had periods for some time. Every female is unique and so the symptoms of PCOS may vary. To confirm the diagnosis of PCOS, a female must have at least two of these happening:

    • Abnormal Periods- This includes having irregular or few menstrual periods, or periods that are short or long-lasting than a typical period. For some, there is abnormal or no ovulation causing trouble in pregnancy.
    • Excess And-Rogen Production- When there is a high level of androgen hormones in the body, it may lead to excess facial and body hair (hirsutism). Women with PCOS may also experience severe acne breakouts or hair thinning/pattern baldness.
    • Polycystic Ovaries- The ultrasound reports show bigger ovaries or multiple follicles containing immature eggs developing around the ovary lining.

    PCOS-affected women may even experience rapid weight gain, skin tags, and Acanthosis nigricans (dark, thick skin). For more details on PCOS Treatment in Mumbai consult the expert gynaecologist Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal.

    Diagnosis of PCOS

    There is no specific test designed to make the diagnosis of PCOS. Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, PCOS Treatment Doctor in Mumbai usually begins diagnosis by starting a discussion of symptoms, current intake of medications, and any other medical conditions. The patient is also asked for any changes in body weight and about menstrual periods. A physical exam is conducted to check for the signs of androgen excess such as hirsutism, hair thinning or baldness, insulin resistance, acne, skin tags, or the appearance of dark, thick skin. Thereafter, a healthcare provider recommends for following diagnostic tests or procedures:

    • Pelvic Exam- This is done to check for reproductive organs for any abnormal masses/ growths or other changes.
    • Ultrasound Test- An ultrasound makes use of sound waves to create images that are displayed on a computer screen. To check for the appearance of ovaries and the thickness of the uterus lining, a transducer is inserted into the vagina. A transducer is a wand-like device emitting sound waves.
    • Blood Test- This is performed to measure levels of andr-ogen hormone. It may even be ordered to measure fasting cholesterol and triglyceride levels. A glucose tolerance test may be performed to check for insulin resistance by measuring the body’s response to glucose (sugar).

    For more details consult Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, Best Doctor for PCOS Treatment in Mumbai.

    Treatment for PCOS in Mumbai

    PCOS treatment focuses on the management of symptoms that are concerning women. This includes symptoms like hirsutism, infertility, acne, or obesity. Specific treatment might involve the use of medications or lifestyle changes. If PCOS gets severe, surgery may be needed.

    • Lifestyle Changes- Women diagnosed with PCOS in Mumbai are recommended to be committed to a healthy lifestyle. This includes having a low-calorie, healthy diet with moderate exercise activities to ensure a healthy, stable body weight. Weight loss may increase the effectiveness of medications prescribed for managing PCOS symptoms and may even help with fertility issues.
    • Medications- Progestin therapy for 10-14 days every 1-2 months is recommended to regulate menstrual periods and protect the patient against endometrial cancer. Combination birth control pills containing oestr-ogen and prog-estin can help treat irregular menses, acne, and excessive hair growth. However, such medications are recommended when the patient is not planning for pregnancy in the future.
      If abnormal ovulation is the concern, the healthcare provider recommends oral-oest-rogen medication, a br-east cancer drug, a type 2 diabetes medication for treating insulin resistance, and gonadotropin hormone injection. For excessive hair, laser hair removal, and severe acne breakouts- pills or topical products that can help reduce the appearance are recommended.
    • Surgery- Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling in Mumbai is a rarely performed surgery to treat anovulation resulting from PCOS. It is recommended only when women with PCOS are not getting better with medications and lifestyle changes and wish to get pregnant. This surgery involves making an abdominal incision to insert a laparoscope and surgical tools through it for the removal of tissues of the ovary affected by androgen excess. Laser probes or electrocautery are used to destroy large ovarian cysts.

    If you are experiencing any signs and symptoms, they can go for PCOS /PCOD Treatment in Mumbai with Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal.

    PCOS and Associated Concerns

    Acne is one of the hormone-induced side effects in PCOS-affected women.

    Hirsutism is a condition characterised by excessive growth of dark, coarse hair

    PCOS is the primary cause of more andr-ogen production

    PCOS can cause weight gain or difficulty in losing weight because of ins-u-lin resistance

    When women with PCOS find out that they are having fertility issues, they can experience

    PCOS is a hormonal disorder that is found in women and commonly

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder found in women

    Frequently Asked Questions on PCOS

    Can pregnancy cure PCOS?

    Unfortunately, PCOS has no cure (but with the help of an effective PCOS treatment in Mumbai by an expert gynaecologist, Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, the condition can be managed). However, women with PCOS can alleviate some of the symptoms of their condition by getting pregnant. Many women have reported having normal menstrual cycles post their pregnancy.

    PCOS can cause issues for women trying to conceive a child. But, women with PCOS still have chances of getting pregnant with the right treatment from a fertility specialist.

    If I am having PCOS, am I at risk of any other medical problems?

    Yes. You are likely to be at long-term health risks such as sleep apnea, diabetes, endometrial cancer, impaired glucose tolerance, heart issues such as myocardial infarction or coronary artery disease; hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and depression. Having PCOS and becoming pregnant can also increase your risk for pregnancy complications. The possible complications include gestational diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, and preterm birth or C-section delivery. You must visit a doctor to screen for such health risks annually or during pregnancy.

    What lifestyle modifications should I make to get relief from my PCOS symptoms?

    Many PCOS symptoms can be improved by lifestyle and diet changes. These include:

    • Do regular workouts and go for relaxation techniques.
    • Get adequate sleep of good quality.
    • Avoid intake of excess alcohol or caffeine.
    • Having a healthy diet that is rich in lean protein, vitamins, and minerals.

    How do healthcare providers diagnose PCOS?

    Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal, PCOS treatment doctor in Andheri, providers diagnose PCOS by looking out for at least two of the following three symptoms of PCOS:

    • Missed or irregular periods- Some women have excessive bleeding during their menses
    • Signs of the body producing more andro-gens (male se-x hormone)- acne breakouts and excessive or undesirable hair growth on some body parts. A blood test can help confirm high levels of androgens in the female body.
    • Multiple cysts developing in one or both ovaries or enlarged ovaries appear on the ultrasound report. Many women with PCOS do not have ovaries developing cysts.

    At what age, can I get PCOS?

    PCOS can happen to any woman or individuals assigned female at birth at any time after adolescence. Mostly, PCOS affects women of reproductive age i.e. those who are in their 20s-30s. The possibility of getting PCOS is more in obese people or those individuals having PCOS-affected individual(s) in their biological family.

    Is PCOS a gynaecological disorder or a disorder of the endocrine system?

    PCOS is a common female hormone disorder, meaning gynaecological endocrine disorder. This medical condition has maximum implications on the gynaecological and reproductive aspects.

    Dr. Shilpa B. Agrawal

    To learn more on the best PCOD treatment in Mumbai, do consult the expert gynaecologist, Dr. Shilpa Bansal Agrawal at Harleys Cosmetic & Women Clinic.


    Harleys Cosmetic and Womens Clinic
    101-102, Jyoti Tower, DN Nagar,
    Next to Nav Chaitanya, off Link Road,
    Andheri West, Mumbai - 400053. Locate us

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